The Mexican Menu at Denny's

1998 June

Created by Jamie 13 years ago
The year John and I started dating, I decided to take us and the kids to Florida for our first "kid" vacation. We rented a van, and got up at 5:00 a.m. on a Friday... went in and worked all day, came home to the packed van, picked up the kids and headed out for our 12 hour drive to Panama City. We took turns, drove all night, got there at sun up. The kids had slept all night, and so were ready to head down to the beach as soon as we got into our room. We had a lovely time, and made a lot of memories. We had gotten both kids snorkels and fins for their birthdays, and they seemed to enjoy them when we went over to investigate "shell island". But one of the best memories for me of this trip was stopping at Denny's for breakfast on our way home. John (at soon to be "54") had noticed that soon he would be considered for the "old folks" menu (with smaller portions and lower prices). It seemed to make him feel bad, and I'm sure he was considering our 23 year age difference, and the fact that he didn't feel his age. That, plus he's sitting at a table with me, Emily (who was 4 years old) and Adam (who was 9 years old). SO... quickly I said - "Look Honey! In just a few years, you'll be able to order from the Denny's Mexican menu! You'll be a member of the elite club that gets the "SENOR" breakfast! We laughed, and it broke the mood, and we brought that story up many times over the years.